This is your season.
Finish it well.
Welcome to Finishing Well!
Finishing Well is a ministry that encourages Lead Pastors & their 55+ age folks to stay
1) faithful to God, 2) faithful to their fellowship, and 3) faithful to their calling.
A Message from George
Finishing Well is a ministry that encourages Lead Pastors & their 55+ age folks to stay...
1. faithful to God
2. faithful to their fellowship
3. faithful to their calling
Hi, I'm George Ross, a pastor of 47 years who recently retired from local church ministry and am finding myself in a brand new season of life. My wife, Sue Linn and I hope to make this season really count for the Kingdom of God... just like most of you!
We also want to come alongside our grown kids & encourage their sense of God's calling on their lives. And with our 5 grandkids, we hope to make a loving & spiritual impact on them in someway while we have the opportunity. I'm thinking we all have this type of thing in common.
But a burden for me over the past few years has also been to come alongside Lead Pastors as they "keep their hand to the plow" & help them finish well in their calling to the local church. There is a "loneliness" that accompanies that life as a pastor at times, even when you see God do amazing things in the lives of your people!
And speaking of our people, I have a love for this age group of ours. We, Baby Boomers will never call ourselves "seniors", though! But we'll take the discount at the movies!
I'll be 70 this fall, so I'm smack dab in the middle of the age-spectrum of this group. I pray we don't lose heart in our commitment to Christ as we enter the 4th quarter, or maybe even "overtime" for some of us! But many have, and it could happen any of us. A lot of great heroes in the Bible started good but didn't finish well.
This season, for many of us is more difficult than we anticipated. We are surrounded by a godless culture, accumulative generational family pressure, & the simple fact that we have more pills to swallow & more bills to pay.
But God is on His throne & we need to simply prioritize opportunities to "remind each other" of that, as we "bear one another's burdens", and "encourage one another as we see the Day approaching"!
We sure appreciate your prayers and we'll be praying the Lord empowers each of you, as you "steward the blessings" of your life in this season, making every day count! And hopefully together, we will do our best to help each other "finish well"!
May His Kingdom come...in your life & mine!
Much love & prayers,
George & Finishing Well